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Icarus: The Boy Who Flew Too Close to the Sun | Immortal Gazette | Bloodthorn Publishing

Icarus: The Boy Who Flew Too Close to the Sun | Immortal Gazette | Bloodthorn Publishing

Icarus: The Boy Who Flew Too Close to the Sun

Ah, Icarus! Let’s dive into this tale of ambition, hubris, and a tragic fall from the skies. Rumplestiltskin, Alice, and Loki are ready to rip this one apart.

Rumplestiltskin’s Begins:

"Ah, Icarus, the boy who flew too close to the sun. Let me unravel this one for you, dear readers. Icarus and his father, Daedalus, were stuck in a labyrinth on the island of Crete, imprisoned by King Minos. Daedalus, being the genius inventor he was, crafted wings made of feathers and wax for their great escape. Brilliant, right? Except, he forgot to tell his son to keep his head in the game and his wings away from the blazing sun.

Now, young Icarus, all excited and thrilled with his newfound freedom, decides to soar higher and higher, ignoring dear old Dad’s warnings. And what happens? The wax holding his wings together melts, and down he plummets into the sea. A classic case of 'I told you so' if I ever saw one. The moral of the story? Listen to your elders—or at least the ones who know a thing or two about gravity!"

➡ The Takeaway

Ambition is great, but too much of it will have you crashing down faster than you can say 'winged disaster.'

Alice’s Opinion:

"Oh, the tale of Icarus, my dears, is one of youthful exuberance and, shall we say, a slight oversight in judgment. Icarus, with his head in the clouds, quite literally, thought it’d be just fabulous to fly as close to the sun as possible. Who wouldn’t want to touch the sky, right? But alas, he forgot that wax and heat are not the best of friends.

So, while Daedalus kept it sensible and stayed at a reasonable altitude, Icarus became the poster child for reckless abandon. Up he went, higher and higher, until the sun melted his wings and sent him hurtling into the sea, now aptly named the Icarian Sea. Poor lad thought he was invincible. If only he had a little less hubris and a tad more common sense!"

➡ The Takeaway

Dream big, but don’t let your dreams blind you to reality, or you might just end up a cautionary tale like Icarus.

Loki’s Opinion:

"Ah, Icarus, the poster boy for biting off more than you can chew. Let me add some flair to this ancient misadventure. Daedalus warned him, 'Don’t fly too high,' but did Icarus listen? Of course not. He was too busy being a show-off, flapping those wings like he owned the sky.

So, what does our overconfident featherbrain do? He flies straight into the sun’s territory, thinking he’s some kind of god. And surprise, surprise, the sun melts his wax, sending him into a nosedive straight into the sea. Talk about a hard landing. You’d think this would be a simple lesson in moderation, but no, Icarus had to learn the hard way.

If you ask me, this tale is less about ambition and more about knowing when to stop before you turn into a tragic myth for generations to mock. Icarus flew too high, and he fell—spectacularly."

➡ The Takeaway

Don’t get too full of yourself, or you might end up making waves—in the worst possible way.